
What An Evening

There was so much change last night, and I was proud to witness it all. All the past months of eagerly waiting for last evening's events sure was it's worth. I am sure most of the Americans agreed with me when I say, "I was blown away with the end result."

"What am I talking about," you ask.

I'm talking about the Election Night News Studios. I tell you, nothing brings out the "Entertainment" in Corporate Entertainment News like a Presidential Election. All the new technology comes out to draw the highest ratings; to get the highest return viewers for future news developments. That way the corporate slant can hit the largest population it can. Ask FOX NEWS about that strategy (they had dominance for a decade).

The Election of 2008 featured some 'high' tech additions to distraction. Like the "hologram interview" thanks to CNN.

Do I really need a 3D image of Will.i.am telling me that Obama is the future. Shit! I thought he was from the future. I was expecting Will-e to call Wolf Blitzer "Obi Wolf".

You ever pondered, "I like my T.V. news programs, but I would like them better if they were in a virtual Ancient Greek Colosseum-like structure." That is what NBC gave us with Chuck Todd in his 'virtual set'.

Democracy started in Greece, but so did the crossbow and the cannon.

Special mention goes to the FOX NEWS 'cubes'. These large blocks hanging from the ceiling provided 4 sides to the election (as compared to the usual one-sided view of news any other night on FOX NEWS).

The winner of the Grand Prize, the largest in-studio touch screen monitor displaying the electoral map, goes to CNN after a brave battle by ABC. CNN, with it's dual 102 inch interactive plasma monitors, really showed how big it's dick is going forward into next year.

It was a close contest, with FOX NEWS coming in with about the smallest interactive map. I guess the large cubes got in the way of the camera angles and blocked parts of the monitor.

I can't wait until 2012. What new entertainment will I see on the major networks then?

Oh, and Barack Obama won big. Take that Religious Right. You're irrelevant!

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Obama: Bigger, Stronger

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I Only Have One Comment Right Now...

Here are the keys, get us home.

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I Just Can't Wait...

No More Of These Kids Around Anymore...

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Two Characters, Made By The Same Programmer

And I don't mean God.

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Bill Maher's New Rules

Here are Bill Maher's "New Rules" segment of his HBO show which aired Friday night. He gives an election re-cap at the end. First Rate Stuff....

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